Do you think home canning is a lost art? I think not!

Three days and counting before my first Home Canning series begins at the Dallas Farmer’s Market and I am so excited!    I can’t wait to meet the new breed of contemporary home canners who are taking an interest in learning home canning and what was once considered to be a “Lost Art”.  I’ve spoken with corporate executives, gardeners, gourmet chefs, retirees and families who are just concerned about food safety and nutrition.

Urban canners love the fact that you don’t have to live in the country or devote every waking hour to a garden in order to enjoy the canning process.  In fact, city-dwelling canners find that searching for excellent produce and new recipes leads them to wonderful out-of-the-way markets and restaurants.  Many new home canners don’t garden at all, but love shopping for fresh organic produce and enjoy making their recipes in their high rise apartments.

Whether your reason for learning home canning is because of your concern with ingredients and nutrition, or because you find it something that is relaxing to do, now is the time to get on board.

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