Eat Your Greens!

Collard Greens

It’s that time of year and I know many of you will be making a pot of collard greens. I’ve included a healthier way to prepare your greens, but if you insist on enjoying  the longer cooking version that we all grew up eating,  there are still some healthier alternatives.  Instead of using salt pork use smoked turkey instead. Wrap your turkey leg in  foil and heat it in a 350 oven for about 30 minutes until it is heated thoroughly, and then add it to your greens.  Let it cook with your greens until it  falls of the bone. You can also cook your greens in a good chicken broth (homemade is better) instead of water.  Can also season with a little liquid smoke and some red wine vinegar.

Why You Need Them:

Of all leafy greens, collards are best at binding your stomach’s bile acids, which can help lower your cholesterol levels and even protect you from some cancers. Collards also contain a special class of phytochemicals that nourish the body’s natural detoxifying system.

How to Eat Them:

Boiled collards are a soul-food staple, but unless you eat the broth, you’ll miss out on many nutrients. Steaming preserves more nutrients and increases bile-acid-binding activity. Jill Nussinow, a dietitian and chef, recommends kneading sturdy greens like collards or kale with olive oil for a few minutes before cooking to increase their flavor and make them easier to chew. Or massage with tahini and braise in garlic and lemon juice.

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