Fresh From the Gardens at the Garden Show in McKinney

The Garden Show in McKinney was a great event!

There were a variety of vendors who were eager and ready to greet you and envelope you in the world of gardening.  I had an awesome time visiting all of the vendors and learning about their products or services. Even bought myself a bunch of fresh, organic herbs…they smelled amazing! The speakers were so informative and passionate about their topics that it motivated you just hearing them speak. I felt honored to be able to share my passion of canning!

Though there was a lot of hustle and bustle leading up to the event and I even lost my voice a bit, I enjoyed every minute of it! From chatting it up with canning enthusiasts to hopefully gaining new canning friends in my seminar “Preserving Your Harvest”, my weekend in McKinney was well worth it.

Thank you to everyone who came out to the Garden Show in McKinney and stopped by my booth or joined me for one of my “Preserving Your Harvest” presentations!  It was great meeting so many people and visiting all of the vendors at the show.


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