Picking Arugula

Today I picked the last of the Arugula growing in my garden. Not sure if you even like Arugula? Or like my brother-in-law said when I showed him my arugula, “I thought that was weeds!!” Ha!

Here’s a great recipe I’ve adapted and made on several occasions with farro (which is a wonderful grain). You can also use brown rice or orzo.

farro arugula salad

I rinsed and then toasted my farro in a little sautéed garlic and shallots and used chicken broth instead of water for cooking the farro. If vegan – use vegetable broth.

I added English cucumber, crumbled feta and made a dressing using the juice of a couple of oranges, fresh squeezed lemon juice and olive oil. If you like your dressing a little sweet add a little honey or agave. I also toasted pine nuts to sprinkle on top.

Here’s the basic recipe from the Proud Italian Cook blog:

Farro & Arugula Salad Recipe

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